0423 070 843

Current Team Members


Meet Alexander Robinson

Founder of Anamise


Mobile: 0423 070 843

Unit 101, 1 Avenue of Europe Newington NSW 2127

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Alex's Bio

Alexander specialises in providing sustainability teams with solar engineering consultation that maximizes cash flows. He has founded a niche consulting firm, Anamise Pty Ltd, with a specialization in providing accurate, independent solar system energy forecasting and design procurement advice. Alexander works closely with sustainability and environmental officers from both commercial and government organisations by providing them with trustworthy solar investment analysis and optimisation reports.

Alexander has extensive experience in the solar industry having worked as a quality assurance team member at the 100MW First Solar Pilot Project. He has been educated at the prestigious University of New South Wales School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy. Furthermore, he has worked as a project manager for MPower Group on the SP Ausnet residential battery energy storage project.

Legendary Team Members


Mikolaj Fitrzyk

Former Mechatronics Engineer at Anamise

In his time at Anamise Mikolaj has completed numerous projects and assisted in delivering products and solutions, meeting deadlines and Anamise’s high ICT standards for quality.

Mikolaj was one of the lead developers building the White Roofs Optimization Tool and leveraged his coding skills with knowledge of mechanical systems to build a sophisticated heat flow model based on proven research. The model was integrated into an optimization algorithm to find optimal parameters for a particular customers specification.

Mikolaj contributed his extensive financial knowledge to Anamises flagship product, AuxinS4, by designing sophisticated financial reports for the customer. The reports measured numerous metrics including NPV, IRR and payback period, and considered likely changes in electrical charges in order to present several likely business scenarios and the cashflows associated with each.

Mikolaj has extensive coding experience, acquired as part of his mechatronics degree and experience as a university C++ tutor and member of staff. He is well versed in coding best practices including standards and conventions for specific languages, commenting and documentation practices and version control using git. These skills were highlighted when working on the “Request For Information Template” for the Department of Planning Industry and Environment. This template would be used and added to by other parties. Therefore, it utilized excellent commenting and an efficient, understandable code structure to ensure readability and understanding by any other future external programmers.


Saratchandra Tejaswi

Former Renewable Energy Engineer at Anamise

Sarat is a conscientious, intelligent Renewable Energy Engineer. A young man who cares for all. Whether you are a customer, supplier, or fellow employee Sarat will make sure you feel welcome and inspired. Sarat takes a collaborative and innovative approach to all his work.

Sarat led our business’s first LGA wide solar optimisation study for Townsville City Council. Auxin S4, our flagship solar optimisation tool, was still being perfected. Sarat put in extra time at work to ensure all reports were completed on time and to a very high quality of work. As director of Anamise, I must admit since Sarat has left we have indeed had some projects run overtime. This never happened when Sarat was on the job. Sarat, I want to thank you for the extra time you put in to the first project we completed with Townsville City Council. The council and Anamise have since had an excellent working relationship. This is very much due to the extra work you put into our first project with them.

Sarat is an excellent communicator both in technical and social settings. Sarat’s innovation led to the very important optimisation charts being included in the solar optimisation tool. This allows you to visually see the financial benefit from optimising the orientation, tilt, and number of solar panels in a solar energy installation. Sarat creatively designed the Anamise Australian Energy Expo pitch deck.

Though Sarat’s passion and strength was for renewable energy consulting he was also a solid renewable energy engineer in practical applications. Sarat assisted in the design of off-grid solar power systems. Sarat used OpenEMS to monitor the health of solar power systems.


James Line

Former Computer Engineer at Anamise

James is a meticulous computer engineer with a passion for developing applications and computer programs. James has been instrumental in setting up many of the Anamise software systems and programs. He has maintained the Anamise website and customised many of our company’s apps.

James has created Anamise styled themes for wordpress, OpenEMS, and Easy Appointments. He has helped design and edit the company app databases. James has set up logging in OpenEMS to monitor the performance of solar systems.

In James’s current career working for NSW government, he has worked on many more interesting applications such as the NSW Digital Driver Licence.

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